Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Bodyweight training doubles up with the new TRX Duo Trainer

The new Dual-Anchor system extends the TRX product reach and offers a variety of bodyweight training options.

TRX, the creator of Suspension Training, and Dr Kelly Starrett, CrossFit coach and physical therapist, have jointly launched the TRX Duo Trainer.

The TRX Suspension Trainer has a single-anchor point, whereas the new Duo Trainer has a dual-anchor point design.

This enables a greater range of additional hanging exercises such as pull ups, dips and muscle ups.

Unlike classic gymnastic rings, the Duo Trainer’s straight handles are designed to be ergonomic, allowing for safe execution of bodyweight based routines.

Its adjustable straps provide seamless transitions into different mobility, strength and core exercises.

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